Key Information

Behaviour policy

The ideology of the Harbour Learning Trust is one of inclusivity. We wish to see success and happiness for all pupils. It ensures that expectations remain high whilst understanding that one size does not fit all. We will work with parents, local authorities and other partners to remove the barriers to meeting expectations that some children face. It also defines our expectations for the strong relationships and mutual respect between individuals that permeate our academies.

High standards of behaviour are vital in ensuring that teachers can teach, and children can learn. Having high expectations is also pivotal in ensuring that pupils feel safe in school. Attention to detail, such as uniform, allows conversations to be focused upon learning.
Our Behaviour for Learning Policy is progressive and fair. It aims to remind pupils of the need to focus on learning and ensures that they are rewarded for doing so. Likewise, it ensures that pupils understand that negative behaviours, if repeated, will result in a consequence.

We expect all staff to apply the policy consistently and fairly. There are, however, a very small minority of pupils for whom this system may not be enough in itself to engage them in learning and for these pupils we make reasonable adjustments and use alternative approaches, as appropriate. All staff will receive training on this policy, including the training for staff at induction, including the duties owed to pupils with special educational needs.

This policy and its implementation will work in tandem with all other academy policies in line with our vision of ‘Success and Happiness for every child’, as well as legislation and statutory requirements.
