Key Information

Exam and assessment results

No primary test or assessment data has been published for 2020, 2021 or 2022. The final 2019 data is below however this data may no longer reflect current performance.


Sch Nat
F2 GLD 55 72
Year 1 children passing the Phonics Test 79 82
KS1 Reading (expected+) 64 75
KS1 Reading (above) 9 25
KS1 Writing (expected+) 57 69
KS1 Writing (above) 2 15
KS1 Mathematics (expected+) 62 76
KS1 Mathematics (above) 10 22
KS2 Reading (expected+) 57 73
KS2 Reading (above) 10 26
KS2 Writing (expected+) 65 78
KS2 Writing (above) 6 20
KS2 Mathematics (expected+) 73 79
KS2 Mathematics (above) 8 27
KS2 GPS (expected+) 67 78
KS2 GPS (above) 22 36
RWM Combined (expected+) 43 65
RWM Combined (above) 2 11
Reading Progress Score -3.5 0
Writing Progress Score -1.8 0
Mathematics Process Score -1.3 0


Average scaled score in Maths 102
Average scaled score in Reading                99


Statutory data 2024
Reading Writing Maths Combined
KS2 Attainment Expected standard 68% 68% 68% 52%*
KS2 Attainment Greater depth 22% 4% 8% 0%
KS1 Attainment Expected standard 48% 46% 50%
KS1 Attainment Greater depth 19% 0% 10%
FS2 GLD 71 Yr1 Phonics 85%