Dear Community
We are excited to announce a proposed initiative to enhance support for pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) within our school community. Please see below the Consultation – Mainstream SEND Hubs at Ermine Academy for your review.
Ermine Academy Consultation Mainstream Hubs.pdf
We value your feedback and invite you to share your thoughts with us.
Please click here for information regarding ‘Train to Teach”
For Harvest Festival the whole school were kindly invited to visit St. John the Baptist Church and celebrate this very special time.
The church was full of beautiful flower decorations which the children had contributed to as part of St John’s 60th anniversary Flower Festival. The children were delighted to spot their own creations!
We had collected food donations to make a wonderful hamper and the children presented it to Reverend Rachel.
Some children from each year group stood up on the altar and shared information about special food from different countries around the world. Reverend Rachel had even raided her own kitchen cupboards to find examples of food from around the world!
Everyone joined in with songs they had been busy practicing at school and the children sounded superb. We felt very proud of everyone!

Inspired by our work on Hinduism, a wave of Bollywood dancing has occurred in Year 4. Lead by our online teacher, we have learnt how to dance expressively and show joy through the wonder of Bollywood dancing. We have all enjoyed learning the new moves and impressing our special guests with our performances as well as learning more about different cultures and beliefs.
If you want to try the moves at home, visit