Year 6 enjoyed a very informative trip to the Bomber Command Centre in Lincoln. They were able to handle and learn about artefacts from WW2, including boots which were designed to help British troops escape enemy territory. The children also visited the interactive exhibit and enjoyed getting up close with the memorial.

Everybody left the visit having learnt new facts which they are now using to support work in history, geography and English.

This week Nursery have been celebrating Chinese New Year. We made lucky red lanterns and some children decided to make another one independently, drawing the lines herself with a ruler, then cutting and sticking it together. We are very proud of them!

This month’s reading spotlight is on Jackie Morris.  All the children in school are reading and sharing her books and so far they are really enjoying them.  All the classes have been tweeting about her books and Jackie Morris spotted our tweets and wrote us a letter.  Included in the letter was a gift of different postcards that show some of the beautiful illustrations in her books.

As part of Year 3’s RE lessons, the children have been finding out about the five pillars of Islam. In particular, they learned that the third pillar (Zakat) is about looking after each other, helping the needy and giving to charity. Year 3 decided to raise some money for Children in Need by holding fundraising events; a funny hair day, a ‘Jokeathon’ and a sponsored walk.

Together, the children of Class 5 and Class 6 raised an incredible amount of £370.19! We are so proud of them!

We were so delighted to have won the ‘lit in colour X twinkl’ competition. We won an amazing 115 books which were all by authors of ethnic origin. A great way to end Black History Month. We cannot wait to start reading them!

As part of our history topic, we learn why we celebrate bonfire night and all about who Guy Fawkes is. We also find out how to stay safe on Bonfire Night and make posters about Firework safety.

For fun, we finished off by watching videos of fireworks and decorating biscuits. The children loved watching the fireworks and used some really good descriptive words to describe them.

We were delighted to welcome Reverend Rachel Haskins into school to do an assembly for the children all about harvest. The children learnt all about why harvest is important to Christians and how they can be part of harvest. The children really enjoyed the assembly and were pleased to see the Reverend in school again. We can’t wait to see her again soon.

Today is a big day in Red and Orange class because one young man has been able to write his name for the first time.

His friend took it one step further and was able to write the names of his whole family.

Mrs Byers and Mrs Newbury were so proud of them that they went to Mrs Norman’s office to show her their amazing writing skills.

Well done as this is a massive achievement and you should be really proud of yourself.

September is always a time when we welcome new children and their families to our academy and we have a lot of children to welcome at the start of this new school year. We have all our new reception children, some of whom were at our nursery, we also have 12 new starters throughout the rest of school from year 1 to year 6.

A special warm welcome goes to our youngest members of the academy, the new nursery starters. They have had a great first morning exploring the environment and making new friends. We are all very excited to see what they will achieve and the progress they will make on their journey through the academy.

At the end of the summer term we had our first ever year 5 graduation ceremony. It recognised their journey in the academy so far and also celebrated them becoming the new year 6 class. The ceremony was brilliant, better than we had imagined. The hall was packed with family and friends and special visitors including Mr Hanson the Principal of Lincoln Castle Academy and Mrs Nolan the CEO.

The children talked so eloquently about what they hoped for in the future, the year 6 children gave them hints and tips on how to be a great year 6.