News & Events

Festival of Reading and Handa’s Surprise

  • March 6, 2023

Handa’s Surprise

This week  some children have been learning all about Handa’s Surprise. The children have been very creative, using their fine motor skills to weave and cut out a basket design and then some problem solving skills to make an actual basket that they can use to carry fruit, like Handa did.


Festival of Reading

As part of Festival of Reading Week the children were given a competition task to redesign the front cover of their favourite book. Over 100 entries were submitted and the School Councillors judged the entries and selected both the winner and runner up. Each winner received a graphic novel; that is our spotlight on reading at present. Well done everybody.

Class Winners


Art’s Week

Every class across the school took part in our Arts Week which focused on studying the beautiful books and illustrations by Jackie Morris, who was also our Spotlight on Reading theme for February. Each year group created dances, music and artwork inspired by Jackie’s books. The children’s artwork has been brought together as a fantastic collection, they have worked so hard!